About Us

Who We Are

  • TMAC is a group of agility enthusiasts concentrated in central Connecticut with a membership spanning all of Connecticut, and portions of Massachusetts, New York, New Hampshire .
  • We have approximately 160 memberships with all types of dogs, mixed breeds and purebreds. While our purpose is to promote agility, our members are active in many canine activities including obedience, herding, and conformation to name a few.
  • We make every effort to provide a friendly atmosphere and see that our members at all experience levels enjoy their adventure in the sport of dog agility.

What We Do

  • Hold several agility trials during the year.
  • Sponsor seminars on topics such as handling skills or agility-related health issues.
  • Conduct run-throughs so our members can practice.
  • Maintain a library of books, magazines and DVDs.
  • Support one another at events
  • Have fun! Our annual activities include an awards banquet and a summer picnic.